Woman standing on railing one hand stretched upwards

About Me

Hello there,

so nice to see you here!

I’m Mel, a confused millennial prone to an incredible urge for wanderlust. Also, I love complicated discussions about grammatical issues when comparing two or more languages 😂

(If you want to know more about wanderlust and why it might not be your fault to have that constant feeling of restlessness, and wanting to explore places, peoples, and things, read my post about the wanderlust gene.)

I’m currently enjoying Yoga and long walks, trying to figure out how coding works and just riding the wave of “nonchalance” the best I can until this whole Covid-frenzy is over. 😆


Also, I have to add here that

as an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. 

Well, one day anyhow 😅


This blog is a continuous work in progress, as is my life and trying to figure out where I belong when it comes to countries and jobs 😄

Maybe putting the process down in writing and holding myself accountable (in front of you, my audience ❤) helps. And I hope that the one or the other life lesson helps you out too, on your discovery of yourself and your life ✨


Here are some of my last adventures (pre-Covid 😅)


snowboarder before blue sky
Italy, January 2020
Cyprus, September 2019
woman sitting on railing laughing
Georgia, August 2019
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